Mike Wolfe 2006 Last updated 01/13/2016
The River Queen Refit Links and useful information Page.
Every web page seems to have it's own links page. This one is mine. Here's our links and information page. We'll try not to go overboard with a thousand entries. Just the good ones that relate.
If you have a Link you would like to submit? By all means do so! You know where to send it...
If you find any of our listings that no longer "Link" Please let me know.
Thanks and happy browsing!
Lets face it without safety, sooner or later you
are sunk!
As new members we are learning our way to better and safer boating. We are making new friends and going new places! Remember, there is safety in numbers. Find a Squadron near you! |
"The River Queen Refit"
Has been featured in
"Houseboat Magazine" has a top notch web page as well as a top notch magazine!
Go see it today.
DIY (Do it yourself) boat owner magazine, available in either the print or web version, is the only marine maintenance magazine for boat owners devoted exclusively to the maintenance, repair, troubleshooting and upgrading of their boats, engines and gear.
Dear editor DIY “Marine Maintenance”
Where have you been all my boating days? Well, for the last 8 years or so anyway. That’s how long I have had my own refit project underway. I had thought that I read every boating magazine available ‘til a friend showed me “DIY Boat.” I’m sold. Sign me up. Subscription card is on the way. I need all the help I can get. I just love this stuff. Mike Wolfe.
Tell them "Mike Wolfe" of the "River Queen Refit" Sent you!
Are you cruising the web for houseboat info? Go see...
A "must see" for any one with houseboat interests. An extensive and very well laid out web page which has been around for years. This site features everything from houseboat chat forums to boats for sale. Provides a great source of information, links to other sites relating to houseboating and the care thereof.
Go there now, link below. Tell them Mike Wolfe sent you.
Definitely one to bookmark and return too time and time again.
A bent, chipped or out of tune propeller can cost you more than gas. It can harm shafts and gears!
110 Commerce Street, Lodi, CA
(209) 366-1555
See my good friend Doug
and his crew to get your prop checked or fixed. At a fare price as well!
They do know what the hell they are doing! Get your props fixed, tuned, balanced or replaced.
You tell them Mike Wolfe sent you.
They ship UPS anywhere.
This vessel equipped with "Racor"
Fuel Filter/ Water Separator System. One for each engine. Installation Notes to follow: |
You need to call: Robin MacDonald (Market Manager, Marine ) He can and will prove to you that Racor is the best you can get! "The most complete protection on the water for your boat!" (800) 344-3286 ext 7443 rmacdonald@parker.com / www.parker.com Tell'em you saw it here and "Wolfeman" sent you! |
California Delta Chambers Guide To Boating Fishing Delta Waterways
Link from Hal Shell, My friend. Get well soon.
Link from Houseboat Magazine staff. Thank you for all your support! mnw : )
Link from Tim Gottschalk. A real nice web site and a long time web friend. Stop in and look around. Tell him I said hi.
Who doesn't know this one... I'd buy everything in the store if I had the money!
Link from John Rakestraw. One of my e-pals with a nice RQ. Says this is the place for outdrive parts.
Of course I should be his first link.!
Home of the father of all our River Queens.
Here’s the granddaddy of them all second to RJ.
These guys usually have what you want plus they know what their talking
This is Allstate Carburetors where I got my rebuild
kits from. Jim the owner is very helpful he MADE my secondary monitoring
jets for $6.00 a set! They have it or they can make it on the premises.
This looks like the King of seal suppliers, however
I’ve never purchased from them.
I bought my new set of manifolds for #2 here. Joyce
is real nice. Tell her I sent you! Mike Wolfe from the River Queen
What can I say my son Miles works here and I get a
20% discount! You should be a proud papa! mnw : )
I enjoy this site for accident avoidance
information and pictures of things you never want to have happen to you… or
me for that matter!
I subscribe to their magazine and read it cover to
cover. So do I, and so should everyone. mnw : )
Lots of Chrysler parts.
We both enjoy this magazine. Sometimes I
even write for it. mnw : )
Lots-O-Chrysler parts!
This is a PDF of Chrysler specs and technical
information. Good one! mnw ; )
Lots of Chrysler parts
Lots of Chrysler parts.
Just information on marine dealers across the USA
This place seems to have anything and everything,
plus they have over 1300 links to follow on their site!
This is probably where I will buy my electronic
distributors from when I get to that point.
I think this is the place you told me about,
however, they were unable to give me any help…
This is where I go for tank information
US Power Squadron Look them up!
Tell them "The River Queen Refit" Sent you. mnw : )
US Coast Guard home page
The expensive alternative. When you just got to have it.
Thanks Scott! Keep up the good work.
Rob Rall
Bluewater Boat Services, Inc.
"The cabin of a small yacht is
truly a wonderful thing;
not only will it shelter you from the tempest,
but from other troubles of life; it is a safe retreat."
L. Francis Herreshoff
I always end up saying...
"Aw crap! You mean it was last weekend? Darn, I missed it again!"
Sometimes I miss stuff every year without meaning too! Well here's your chance not to miss anything ever again. Use the link below and you will find a weekly updated list of California Delta related type events put out by...
(Who else?)
The California Delta Chambers.
"Weekly updated delta events
"The River Queen Refit"