It's not that good of a picture but it's a taste of things to come. From this picture you can get the idea of the size of the newly remodeled full bathroom. It was once two small heads but the last owner (Liveaboard) made it one big one. We ripped it down to the frame due to rot and stink. I had to install all new black tank and fittings and put a rebuild kit in the toilet. Of course while the floor was out I had to de-rust and paint the skin (hull) below decks. You can't see it from this picture but the forward side (port) has a very large mirror on the wall. This has a wonderful expanding affect! |
We finished off with a raised platform for the head and all new plugs, switches, fixtures, and floor. It now has more square footage than our master bathroom at home! |
Here you see the soon-to-be hole for the AC unit (Top) and the back door. I was superized at the amount of steel in the overhead. |
Yep! All steel! I will go back with thicker insulation and stronger frame work. |
We also had the aft cabin all torn apart down to the bones and it's now going back together very slowly. All the skin holes and rusty spots have been repaired and the sub-wiring and electrical boxes have been installed, as well as the new foam insulation. Next comes the Cap. But before I can do that I need to be sure that the big hole where the AC unit once was is completely sealed up.
In the image to the left you can see that the AC on top has been removed and a plate installed in it's place, with extra suport added. Behind me you can see the new 3/8 inch wood sheeting I used to cover the old door and hinges to the old master head that was totaly redone in earlyer in this project. Overhead I follow the the same ruteen as I have all over the boat. First you have to bare the metle. Clean it. Remove any exess loose meterial (rust) with a wire brush. Kill the remaining rust with a "Rust converter" turening the metle black in color as it does it's job. Then paint it with the best stuff you can afford. I'v been using "Rustolyum" primer. As you can also see, I'm puting back a thicker higher quality fome type insulation. |
We don't want to completely seal up the overhead where it meets with the walls as we need to keep some ventalation able to flow in and around to reduce moisture. Next I'll have to install the "fer-down" strips. This will be the sub frame we put up that will attach the finel vinel coverd ply board. The fer-down is made level and true by useing shims and string. The shims are placed between the wood strip and the metel overhead to adjust the up and down to a string base line
So first the right hight must be determend and your end pices installed to the desired hight or level. A string line is then streched across in 3 or 4 places to provide you with a grid to shim down to.
Being a tall man myself. (6'4") I enjoy as much head room as possable. When the overhead was completely removed for the first time it was a real "Wow" when it came to head room. I was hopeing I might be able to gane some more room when I put the overhead back but in the end it looks like we need to go back same-same to match the rest of the boat. But I'll tell you one thing. This is my boat and my refit. No head bangers to be installed anywhere! All overhead light fixtuers will be resessed! (It's a tall man thing.)
More to come as we finnish off more of our boat.