The engines as they sit.
#2 Engine. ( Starboard) Model M383.BDL16/274 Serial number E032920 PN 4/22 Runs. Ticks, Smokes. Power steering unit works. Barely useable. |
#3 Engine KOHLER electric plant Model 6.5A23 (50226D7) Ser# 312398 Kohler Controller # C-245479 KW 6.5 / cycles 60 Volts 120 / RPM 1800 AMP/TERM 54.2 / Batt volts 12 Newly rebuilt last year (1999) |
#1 Engine. (Port Side) Model M383/BDL16/274 Serial number E032919 PN- 4/22 Runs, No oil pressure.(not froze) Bad tick sound. smoking right bank. Not useable. Coming out now |
Paragon Gearworks (Transmission) Taunton Mass. Model PD31-L Serial number SM-7101 |
Note that on both engines and transmissions the serial numbers are sequential. |
Paragon Gearworks (Transmission) Taunton Mass. Model PD31-L Serial number SM-7100 |
Extraction Action!
The extraction of #1 engine block was of some concern. I wasn't quite sure of how to do it. However I took my own advice and used plenty of time to roll it all over and over in my mind thinking up a lifting plan. While I was waiting for the cash for a new shop crane, I pulled most all of the parts off that I could to lighten up the block. That engine sure looked big sitting down there inside the compartment. Looked a hell of a lot bigger with all the heads and pumps and manifold on it. I'll bet near one thousand pounds with everything on it and in it. Truly a daunting project. |
After an easy extraction we, my crew and I ( Carl & Barry ) lightly set the block down keeping most of the weight still on the crane and started work on The Box, well "measure twice and cut once." I cut it twice and it's still too short? The boys, eager to get moving on the project, prodded me along... "Are you sure we need The Box?" or " It will ride on the cart, ok?" I said "No. Darryl says got to have The Box! It's in my plan, we have the stuff, we build The Box!" |
I got to tell you about The Box. Del said, "Got to make a box." "What for," I said." "To put your engine on!" First of all, you can't expect a engine to sit nice and still on the cart up to the truck. Then it's got to ride in the back of the truck in a secure fashion. Once home, we got to bust the flywheel bolts loose to put it on the engine stand. So you need to build a box to hold the engine! Over the course of many years I found it prudent to listen to Daryl and do as he says. The day before the plucking of the engine, I went to Home Base and spent the $9.95 for a 2 x 12 x 8 plank. I already had the long lag bolts. I also made sure to have the power drill and saw on hand. |
Make sure the edges of the box rest nicely along the rows of pan bolts to distribute the weight evenly. Make cutouts to accommodate the dipstick casting then lag together. As it turns out I am pleased to announce that I have a large, baffled aluminum oil pan. If I had set the full load weight of the engine down on that pan and wrestled it around I would have crunched like an old coors can. The Box, under ten dollars. The pan, over two hundred dollars. "You got to have a box!" (Thanks again Deller!)
A heart felt thanks to all participants. Carl, Barry, Deborah, and the boys Max and Sam. & The Box.
I got to tell ya, man, it's sure is nice to have some friends around to help with some of the tough jobs! Carl has been around since the beginning doing some down and dirty crunch activity whenever called upon. He also likes the big storms! If it's a gusting and whipping and kind of scary outside, all the better and down to the boat we go to ride the storm! New friend Barry, a fellow RQ owner. He found me on the internet and we RQ alot of information back and forth. He has as much a passion for research and old stories as I do. He only lives in the next town so phone calls are easier then all that typing! He wanted to witness the plucking of #1 so I gave him a call and he showed up with bells on! (Ok, no bells. Work clothes.) Ready to go. I like Barry. He is the one person in this world that I can talk to about the boat project and not bore the living hell out of. Most people are polite but more recently they get that "glazed over "look on their face and think "Here we go again. Can't this guy talk about somthing else?" I was really getting bad for a while there. So as of lately I've been sitting quietly and trying not to talk "boat". So then I just sit there quietly... Thinking "boat".